Friday 10 December 2010


The transition starts with a magician waling a plane across the screen indront of the band bembers, the plane makes the band disapear behind the screen. This was to make the transition smoother as the band would not have to walk off anywhere and to add some comical value to the scene.
When the magician reaches the faollowing side the band has completely disapeared this sets the scene up for the play to begin.
The lights are animated to rotate once the band is gone and they are rotated to shine on the curtains ready to light up the play.
The curtains open to the side, this was going to be done using the FDD box to make the open more like curtains, but i ran into issues with it not being able to animate correctly and time was running short. It was then dicided that the curtains would just move out to the sides to reveal the stage.
The plane the magician walks accross was decided to be a mirror, using the material editor a mirror matterial was created, this was to show what was happening in the crowd and add the extra functionality to the scene.
The components that where need for the play scenewhere added on to the stage, they where exported as objects and imported into the scene. The camera is positioned ready for the play scene.

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