Friday 10 December 2010

The Play

The stage is setup fromt he transition ready for the play scene. Juliets head is animated to move as if she was speaking here lines. Romeo is hidden behingd the wall waiting to come out.
Romeo comes out from behind the wall and looks up and juliet, the rotate tool was the main tool for this scene for when the characters are looking at each other.
The move tool is used to make it seem that romeo is moving ovwer to the trelace leading up to juliet and the rotate is used to position him.
The move tool is used to move romeo up the trelace and he is rotated to look at juliet. Juliet is moved over to romeo.
The lights rotate towards the camera to end the play and to start the transition into the ending where it fades to white.

The romeo juliet scene where chosen as most people know the play and this scene is one of the most iconic scenes from the play. Also the play is being doing at the theater.

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