Tuesday 7 December 2010

The Band - Drums

When making the band for the music scene i started with making the drum kit. The drums was mainly made up of cylinders. i started with the bass drum which was a cylinder turned onto its side, work was done on the face of the drum so it was made up of quads this was so when it was turbosmoothed it did not loose its shape.
After the drum was made i extruded the stands for the toms up out of the bass drum. The toms themselves where made of cylinders and attached to the bass drum stands. the same was done to the faces of these drums are the bass drum.
The snare drum was made in the same way, but was made with a stand to go under the drum.

The floor tom was made in the same was as the other toms, but with 4 legs extruded from the outside of the drum. Texture was added to the bass drum, toms and snare to make the drums look the part.

To finish the drum kit off i careated the crash and high-hat, the cymbols where made with a cylinder with the sides and bottom removed, the the middle was moved up to spape the plane. the stand was made with a box that was scaled up wuth legs extruded out the bottom. The textures where added to the cybol and metal to give the finishing touch.

Textures used:

metal texture taken from: http://www.psdgraphics.com/tutorials/metal-texture-photoshop-tutorial/

rep patteren used on the drum taken from: http://slw381992.deviantart.com/art/Black-and-Red-Texture-60841004

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