Thursday 9 December 2010

The Play - Balcony

The balcony was created by creating a cylinder for the lower part of the balcony and cutting the cylinder in half. The edges for the top with then copied up and around to give the balcony some shape. This was done up and over the balcony shaping the rim of the balcony and the sides into a pattern. The sides where copied out to make the wall and connected to the balcony rim.
The Archway was created and the stone texture was applied to the balcony, using the UVW Map cylinder mode and capping the top. The balcony was the turbosmoothed.

The trellis was he created to go up the side of the wall, this was created by creating a box and rotating it on its side, then the box was copied and rotated again to form an X shape. This was the copied a number if times up the wall to create the trellis, a wood texture was applied to the trellis.

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