Monday 6 December 2010

The Hall - Chair

The seats to fill the room where very simple to create, from images of the cliffs pavilion on google i was able to find the general shape of the chair. I created 3 boxs which i shapped in the back of the chair, arm of the chair and seat of the chair. The seatch was then turba smoothed and the seat texture was applies to the seat.

Once the one seat was created i copied this 9 more times to create the entire row of seats and then added the red box either side of the row of chairs, this box is the same tetture as the seats and was also turbo smoothed.
The metal bars that hold the seat up and together where then added into the model, 3 bars where made, one for under the seats and 2 for the back. extrudes where made from the top bar leading under the arm rests of the seatch. The whole bar was then turbo smoothed.

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