Friday 10 December 2010

The Music Scene - Band

The drums where then exported as an object file and then imported into the stage scene. The model was very large and was scaled down to fit on the stage better.
The speakers where then exported as object files and imported into the music scene. Symmetry modifer was then added to the speakers to put them on either side of the drum kit.
The character that Johnny had created where then imported into the scene and place at there positions in the scene, the drum kit needed to be resized to fit the drummer behind it.
The microphone stand was then created and placed infront of the singer, this was made with a cylinder, and using the scale on the base to create new polygons.
The guitars where then imported and placed hand height on the guitarests, these had to be resized to be the correct size.

Animation is added to the band member where thereheads move and the guitarests jump up and down, this was done to make them look less startic and give them life. The guitars where animated to move up and down this was to make it look like the character where playing there instruments.

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