Friday 10 December 2010

The animation - Analysis

From cretaing the animation i have learnt how to use many different tools that i had not experienced before. Creating the mirror was very new to me as i had not worked with texture in that much detail previously. Using methods that i have used before but using different ways of manipulating them and editing them.

The line tool when used to move the camera i have not done before, it was good to learn this as it is a powerful way of moving around a scene, and moving objects in a scene on a track.

Overall i am very happy with the work that i created, although there is more i could have added to the romeo and juliet scene i was pushed for time and was not able to create anything new to the scene. This was my first attempt at creating an advertising animation and it want rather well.

Creating the indervidule objects went fine and they where simple to creat but when i was placing all the objects together into one file the computer began to struggle with the amount in it. and placing things would take a large amount of time and would sometime crash the file.

Creating textures, the amount of texture that where in the animation cause problems as i ran out of texture room in the editor. If a texture needed to be changed i have to export the object and edit it seperatly, then reimport.

But overall the animation went well, i feel that it works to the brief given and the decisions made by the group. The Transitions are set up as asked by the group and the animation is a cartoon as decided by the group.

With more practice with modeling and animation skills i have learnt i could use this many times in a proffession once uni is complete.

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